Who Should Attend the Book Bound Event?

10 Apr, 2019 Book Writing,Events,Getting Published

If you’ve been mulling over the idea of writing a book, you may have already heard of Book Bound.

Book Bound is our acclaimed three-day event that occurs once or twice a year to help new authors map out their book from start to finish. You may already have a fantastic story in mind, but Book Bound puts the gears in motion to transform your story from vague idea to an accomplished piece of literature you can share with the world.

So how do you know if our upcoming Book Bound event is right for you? It starts by seeing if you identify with any of the following…

Is The Book Bound Workshop Right For You?

You want to share your story and need help with the next steps

Have you been told that you should write a book, but aren’t sure how to flesh out your story and get it published? Then this event is an ideal and immersive way to move forward.

Everyone who attends Book Bound leaves with energy, a straightforward plan, and a detailed outline on how to write their story, get it published, and share it with the world. You already know you have a story. And you’ll be surprised at the confidence and know-how you’ll obtain at Book Bound to get it out to the world!


You want to make a difference

Does your story have the ability to help others? Will it inspire readers who are just like you, or even different from you, but who will nonetheless benefit from your experiences?

Then your book deserves to get written. Many soon-to-be authors start writing a book simply because they want to make a difference in the world. Book Bound will guide you on how you can help a limitless audience with your story.


You want to boost your business

Everyone throws away business cards, pamphlets, and deletes emails, but what about a book?

If you want to grow your business, a book is an ingenuous way to stay on your potential customers’ radar. Your book will serve as a reminder of both your business as well as your position as an expert. And it lets your clients and customers know that you’re the person to turn to when they need an experienced professional – regardless of your industry.


You want to stand out from the crowd

Whether you’re writing your book for personal or professional reasons, having a piece of literature to call your own will allow you to stand out from the crowd. Regardless of your topic, you will be among a small percentage of people who have a story to share, yet are able to make it come to fruition.


When it comes down to it, Book Bound is an event for everyone who wants their voice to be heard.

You might be a professional who wants to reap the rewards of literary exposure, or an individual who wants to inspire others through your own experience. In any case, it’s time to make your move. Attend our upcoming Book Bound workshop, and discover how to propel your story to new, tangible, and limitless heights.

You can register here for the June event in Plano, Texas. I look forward to seeing you there!

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Who Should Attend the Book Bound Event?
Curious about our Book Bound event? Read on to see if Book Bound is a good fit for you and your goals to share your story with the world.

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