Taking Time for YOU

15 Mar, 2017 Personal Development

Have you ever felt like you were trying too hard to focus on a task at work, but in the end found yourself clicking between e-mails and Facebook?

That’s because it is impossible to focus 100% of the time on anything, the simple solution to this dilemma: take a break!

The typical American mindset is that if you’re not working, you’re lazy, and this may be hurting us.

There’s no shame in taking some time off, this can lead to less stress, being more focused, and ultimately increased productivity!

It doesn’t matter if you have 10 minutes or 10 days for your break, I’ll give you some suggestions to help you take a step back and out of that stress rut.

Research shows that more hours doesn’t equate to better work, so why push yourself to the point of exhaustion? Remember, your brain is like every other muscle that will tire from repeated overuse.

Short Breaks

This study encourages a 17-minute break for every 52 minutes of work and during your break period you should completely disconnect from all things work related.

  • Take a walk, stepping out from your desk or work space and getting fresh air can do wonders for your health as well as your productivity!
  • Grab a snack and replenish yourself. The right snack can help you fight fatigue throughout the day.
  • Personal time: Do anything that makes you happy! This could be reading, meditating, or listening to some great music.
  • Talk to a co-worker (not about work).  Take some time, or maybe even a walk, with an office mate and allow yourselves to forget about the to-do list for a little while.  Sharing small breaks with co-workers can also nurture working relationships and contribute to group productivity.

No matter how you choose to spend your breaks remember the importance of stepping away from your work.  Leave the cell phone and e-mail and I promise you’ll return feeling rejuvenated!

The 52-17 model is only a suggestion, find what works best for you and set an alarm or reminder so you know when it’s time for your break.

Long Breaks

Depending on your schedule, the break you may need could range from a day off to a yearlong sabbatical.  Think of these longer breaks as an investment, a way to replenish your job performance.

  • Take the afternoon, go to the new restaurant you’ve been dying to try, see the movie you’ve been eyeing, or catch up with an old friend.
  • Weekend road trip! Call up a friend or family member in another city or pile the family into the car and search for a fun spot nearby to explore.
  • Book that dream trip. Don’t underestimate the power of a good trip and don’t tell yourself you don’t deserve it! Pulling the trigger and going on that fantasy vacation can be just the thing you need to refill your creativity tank.

Remember that taking time for yourself is not a sign of laziness, but rather the smart thing to do to maximize productivity and efficiency.

If you’re interested in more ideas for taking time out check out some of my other posts here!

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Article Name
Taking Time for YOU
Have you ever felt like you were trying too hard to focus on a task at work, but in the end found yourself clicking between e-mails and Facebook? That’s because it is impossible to focus 100% of the time on anything, the simple solution to this dilemma: take a break!

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