Tag: Share Your Story

How to Write a Book PDF: A Step-by-Step Guide

25 Feb, 2021 , , , ,

When new authors first sit down to craft their masterpiece, there are certainly many questions looming. Especially during those initial stages of the writing process, when getting the words from your head to the page can be a significant challenge. Therefore, it’s not surprising that when many authors begin to write their book, they focus […]

Book Marketing: Share Your Story with Those Who Need It

28 Jan, 2021 , , , ,

Finishing that last page and completing your book is a proud milestone for any author. But once your book has been written, edited, and is ready to print and share with the world, a new set of challenges arises. It’s now time to consider how to get your story into the hands of those who […]

Need Help with Writing a Book? Start Here

15 Dec, 2020 , , , ,

Have you always dreamed about writing a book, but the work ahead always seemed insurmountable? Don’t worry, as this is a common problem for all – from new authors to professional writers. Even the most famous and experienced writers in the world, like bestselling authors Stephen King or J.K Rowling, have notoriously struggled with their […]

What Are the Steps to Write a Book?

20 Nov, 2020 , , , ,

While a recent poll found that more than 80% of Americans would like to author a book, very few ever take the jump and finish it. And this is mainly because, on the surface, writing a book seems like a huge endeavor. But just like a recipe, there are steps to write a book! And […]

Self Publishing Services: What to Consider

23 Oct, 2020 , , ,

Today, new authors no longer need an agent, a publishing company, established connections, and basically good luck to finally see their book come to fruition. For hundreds of years, the only way to have a book published to a large audience was to work with traditional publishing houses. And only still a very small number […]

Tips on Book Publishing Companies to Promote Your Story

22 Jul, 2020 , , , ,

Ask any established author, and they’ll attest that a challenge in the writing process, (especially for new authors), is getting their book published. Today we’ll talk about how new authors can search for book publishing companies to get their books out there and reach their audiences!   Book Publishing in the Past Decades ago, the […]

How to Write a Book and Share Your Unique Story

17 Jun, 2020 , , , ,

You know you have a story, and you know that it deserves to be shared with the world. And if any of your friends, family members, or colleagues have ever told you that you should write a book, then chances are that you should trust their judgement! But as even the most talented and world […]

It’s Here! Authors Share Their Story to Illuminate the World!

20 May, 2020 , , , ,

We all have a story, and each story matters. And maybe you have been told that you should somehow share your story. After all, each story is unique! Today, we highlight the people, the Difference Makers, who have contributed to the new Illuminate book, by sharing their stories with the world. They are just like […]

In June: Learn The Power of Authority with a Free Masterclass Webinar!

14 May, 2020 , , , ,

For months now, we’ve all been finding new ways to work and learn, maintaining social distancing, and adapting to an environment that has affected everyone around the globe. But there are always silver linings to being upended this way. And in this unique landscape, new authors have an opportunity to document, inspire, and share their […]

Highlights from the January 2020 Book Bound By The Sea

30 Mar, 2020 , , ,

Our January 2020 Book Bound By The Sea event took place in sunny Florida. In light of the world’s current situation, we are so grateful we had this special opportunity together. We had an amazing group during this 3 day workshop that provided inspiration, insight, and a chance for our attendees to get their stories […]

What Should I Write a Book About?

17 Feb, 2020 , , , ,

Both new and established authors often have a difficult time asking the quintessential question: “What should I write a book about?” Finding that perfect topic and theme can easily be one of the most challenging aspects of the process, but it’s also the first step for writing a book. Creating a unique book with your […]

Upcoming Book Bound By The Sea for 2020

14 Jan, 2020 , , , ,

2020 is officially in full swing! And now is the perfect time to take stock of the year ahead, and to determine the best routes to make this your most successful year yet. And it just might start by attending our Book Bound By The Sea workshop weekend. Before we begin, here are the key […]

Your Life’s Story: How to Write a Book About Your Life

19 Dec, 2019 , , ,

You know you have an incredible story. You are all too familiar with the obstacles you have overcome, the challenges that you’ve tackled along the way, and the unique successes and setbacks that make your personal story wholly unique. And you might have even thought about how to write a book about your life. And […]

Highlights of Our June 2019 Book Bound Event!

27 Jun, 2019 , , ,

We were delighted to celebrate another successful Book Bound event with plenty of smiles, laughter, and knowledge to go around. This most recent Book Bound event had a wonderful mix of new writers as well as Book Bound alumni and now-published authors. They all generously shared their own experiences and advice on how to get […]

Writer’s Block? Here’s How to Fix It!

19 Jun, 2019 , , ,

Writer’s block isn’t uncommon by any means. And it’s not unusual to reach a point in the writing process where you are simply “stuck” and are having trouble moving forward with your story. But whether this occurs on the first page or the last, there are likely some underlying reasons why your creativity and motivation […]

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