Tag: become an author

Can Anyone Write a Book? Here’s the Answer

12 Oct, 2020 , , , ,

Have you ever been told by friends or family members that you should write a book, but wondered if you ever could? Can really anyone just write a book if they set their mind to it? So many people with incredible stories to tell often muse about putting their words on paper. But they are […]

It’s Here! Authors Share Their Story to Illuminate the World!

20 May, 2020 , , , ,

We all have a story, and each story matters. And maybe you have been told that you should somehow share your story. After all, each story is unique! Today, we highlight the people, the Difference Makers, who have contributed to the new Illuminate book, by sharing their stories with the world. They are just like […]

What Should I Write a Book About?

17 Feb, 2020 , , , ,

Both new and established authors often have a difficult time asking the quintessential question: “What should I write a book about?” Finding that perfect topic and theme can easily be one of the most challenging aspects of the process, but it’s also the first step for writing a book. Creating a unique book with your […]

Reasons to Write A Business Card Book

12 Sep, 2019 , , , ,

Running a successful business depends on obtaining and retaining new clients and customers. Many professionals and business owners spend hours of time and countless expenses on pricey advertisements, marketing, and even cold calls. Even if they reach out to friends and family members for new connections, they are taking time away from their actual business. […]

Become an Author Now: Easy Tips to Write a Book

24 Jul, 2019 , , ,

Writing a book can provide a world of benefits for business owners and professionals who want to expand their careers. For example, authoring a book can quickly promote your brand. It also puts you in a new position as an “expert,” setting you apart from other professionals in your field. Best of all, you can […]

Discover the Key to Advance in Your Career

17 Jul, 2019 , , , ,

Ready to advance in your career? Want to move up the ladder at work or expand your small business? You’ve likely considered a wealth of options. Perhaps you’ve taken on more or tougher projects at the office. Or maybe you’ve created a marketing strategy with business cards, an increased social media presence, and targeted print […]

How Publishing a Book Can Expand Your Success

10 Jul, 2019 , , ,

Many folks who attend Book Bound and who reach out to me to successfully write and publish their book have a sole goal in mind. Their goal is to share their story. Furthermore, they want to see the results of their inspiration, creativity, and hard work in a printed piece of literature they can be […]

Writer’s Block? Here’s How to Fix It!

19 Jun, 2019 , , ,

Writer’s block isn’t uncommon by any means. And it’s not unusual to reach a point in the writing process where you are simply “stuck” and are having trouble moving forward with your story. But whether this occurs on the first page or the last, there are likely some underlying reasons why your creativity and motivation […]

The Benefits of Book Bound Online, Anywhere You Are!

12 Jun, 2019 , ,

Have you always wanted to become an author and share your story in book form? Brand new authors always have a story. But they aren’t sure how to take what’s in their head and transform it into a piece of literature the world will want to read. How do you get started? How do you […]

Make A Genuine Connection with Your Readers

29 May, 2019 , , , ,

Have you ever read a book where you found yourself unintentionally nodding, or just found yourself drawn to the author’s words, emotions, and impressions, simply because you understood completely what they had to say? This is a genuine connection, and it’s an imperative attribute when you are sharing your personal story, and you want your […]

Ignore The Excuses and Write Your Story

31 Oct, 2018 , , , , , , , ,

Crafting your personal story into a book is an ambitious undertaking to be sure. And when you are first sitting down to outline your story, the process ahead can seem daunting. This is exactly why many people who have the desire to tell and share their story never quite seem to reach the finish line. […]

Don’t Wait Another Year Dreaming About Becoming an Author!

20 Jan, 2017 , , , ,

“Book Bound By The Sea” is about a week away, and it’s going to be a packed house! There is still time to sign up! When you put dozens of like-minded authors together in the same place, it is nothing short of magic! Still on the fence?! Here are the top ten signs you’re ready for “Book […]

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