Category: Personal Development

There is no price tag to our worth

3 Jan, 2015

We cannot place a price tag on our worth. This is just a way of demonstrating that whenever we measure ourselves against someone else’s standards, our “flaws” or “scars” immediately become apparent. I’m sure many of you, like me, have “scars” that make us feel that our value is less than it should be. Maybe […]

Who is really qualified to determine the worth of an individual?

29 Dec, 2014

Recently I saw an interesting news report about a famous model who decided to get her legs insured. Her legs were a highly marketable asset, so it was important to her and her modeling agency to make sure they would be protected against any potential injury or harm. Her right leg was insured for $600,000, but […]

Balance produces harmony, and harmony is peace

22 Dec, 2014

Balance produces harmony, and harmony is peace. Peace is ultimately what brings us joy in life. It’s all connected, but it starts with making the decision to balance out our lives first. How often do we do things that we don’t want to—but feel we have to? How often do you accept party invitations or […]

Life is a series of choices.

15 Dec, 2014 ,

Doing too much of anything—eating, working, volunteering, exercising, church activities, relaxing even, becomes unhealthy. Each activity recharges or fuels the others. We can compare it to recharging our bodies with meals that are balanced, and that contain all the basic nutrients for giving us the energy we need, while at the same time, preventing the build-up of […]

balance is the key to happiness and the good life

8 Dec, 2014 , , ,

It is often said that balance is the key to happiness and the good life. When related to self-esteem, most of us are aware that we fill our lives with activities and obligations for others without thinking about ourselves and what we may need. There is a way to take care of yourself while also helping […]

Park to your Final Destination

1 Dec, 2014

There are really two ways to get through the park to your final destination. You can walk briskly thinking about where you are going, what you need to do, what you plan to say and fill your mind with all the “tasks” in your day rather than simply enjoying what is around you. You would […]

Power of Yoga

25 Nov, 2014

So, how do we stay centered and in tune with ourselves while the world is moving so fast around us? It’s not easy, but I think I found a way. It’s as simple as just slowing down to breathe!! Yoga is a practice of breathing and moving your body to create a peaceful, yet energized […]

Challenges as a ”means to an end”

18 Nov, 2014

Even though we may prefer sunshine over rain, at some point we realize that it is the “down days” that can bring us to new places of understanding and wisdom. We can use these times to consciously practice “flipping over” our anger to understanding and forgiveness, and our sadness to joy and gratitude. This simple […]

Three Steps to Take Complete Charge of Your Thoughts

11 Nov, 2014

ingrained in your mind; you don’t even know they’re wrong. For example: I’m not worthy of love. I don’t deserve to be successful. I’ll never have enough money. I could never do what he/she does. My life is never going to change. We tell ourselves so many false and limiting beliefs; we actually start to […]

The Power of Thoughts

28 Oct, 2014

Thoughts have power. They drive our decisions, our goals, our dreams, and ultimately our lives. Are you living the life you’ve always dreamed of living? If not, then what were you thinking? What were you telling yourself all these years to get where you are today? Did you believe you were worthy of success, or did […]

Release the Junk!

21 Oct, 2014

How many people do you know who can still recall some of the terrible things that happened to them years, even decades ago? I know a woman in her mid-sixties who can still remember names that the “mean kids” called her in elementary school. That’s a long time to carry around that memory. I wonder […]

What’s on Your Unhappiness Laundry List?

14 Oct, 2014

What’s on your unhappiness laundry list? Go ahead; make that list. Here are some samples: Not enough money. Too busy. Betsy is always in a bad mood. Bruce never does want I want him to. My sister acts so nasty toward me. There’s no reason for her to be nasty! What can you do to […]

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

7 Oct, 2014

Have an attitude of gratitude. Make a choice to be grateful and happy. Be grateful for the job you have, even if you are not happy in that job. Be grateful for your co-workers, even though they may drive you crazy. Be grateful for your boss who is hard on you, but also challenges you, […]

Compliments are Positive Energy

1 Oct, 2014

Focusing on good things makes us feel good. Has anyone ever paid you a compliment that you didn’t accept? For example, has someone told you your new dress is very becoming and you responded by saying, “Oh, this old thing?”Maybe at work someone complimented you on a job well done and you responded, “It was […]

Nothing is impossible

28 Sep, 2014

Another great story that I recall regarding belief has a little bit of a twist to it, though. Cynthia Kersey wrote about George Dantzig in the book, Unstoppable. As a college student, George studied very hard. He was a studious person, but he was always staying up late studying. Because of that, he overslept a […]

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