Category: Book Writing

How Becoming the Authority in Your Field Can Help Your Business

17 Aug, 2021 , , , ,

How Becoming the Authority in Your Field Can Help Your Business – Featuring Michelle Prince on The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast Listen to the Podcast or read the summary by clicking here: How Becoming The Authority In Your Field Can Help Your Business Michelle was a guest on Entrepreneur MBA and was interviewed by Stephen Halasnik […]

Busy Being Busy: How to Be More Productive

27 May, 2021 , , ,

If you’re like most ambitious and motivated people, then you are likely bogged down by a routine of “busy being busy.” Of course, it’s perfectly normal to feel like you’re constantly playing catch-up. But despite this common problem, being frantically busy is not a healthy mindset. Staying constantly busy, with a long to-do list that […]

How to Outline a Non-Fiction Book

29 Apr, 2021 , ,

Whether you are a seasoned writer or just getting started on exploring a new craft, you may find that the initial steps to writing a complete non-fiction book can be a little daunting. You know what you want your story to be and have a good sense of how it should unfold, but how can […]

How to Write a Book PDF: A Step-by-Step Guide

25 Feb, 2021 , , , ,

When new authors first sit down to craft their masterpiece, there are certainly many questions looming. Especially during those initial stages of the writing process, when getting the words from your head to the page can be a significant challenge. Therefore, it’s not surprising that when many authors begin to write their book, they focus […]

Need Help with Writing a Book? Start Here

15 Dec, 2020 , , , ,

Have you always dreamed about writing a book, but the work ahead always seemed insurmountable? Don’t worry, as this is a common problem for all – from new authors to professional writers. Even the most famous and experienced writers in the world, like bestselling authors Stephen King or J.K Rowling, have notoriously struggled with their […]

What Are the Steps to Write a Book?

20 Nov, 2020 , , , ,

While a recent poll found that more than 80% of Americans would like to author a book, very few ever take the jump and finish it. And this is mainly because, on the surface, writing a book seems like a huge endeavor. But just like a recipe, there are steps to write a book! And […]

I Want to Write a Book, But Where Do I Start?

29 Sep, 2020 , , ,

You have a story that deserves to be shared. You have the ambition to author a book that will inspire others and boost your own career or personal goals. And you have the tenacity to believe in your success, and how far your story can go. Hence, you might have wondered, “I want to write […]

How to Write a Book and Share Your Unique Story

17 Jun, 2020 , , , ,

You know you have a story, and you know that it deserves to be shared with the world. And if any of your friends, family members, or colleagues have ever told you that you should write a book, then chances are that you should trust their judgement! But as even the most talented and world […]

What Should I Write a Book About?

17 Feb, 2020 , , , ,

Both new and established authors often have a difficult time asking the quintessential question: “What should I write a book about?” Finding that perfect topic and theme can easily be one of the most challenging aspects of the process, but it’s also the first step for writing a book. Creating a unique book with your […]

Why Should You Hire a Book Coach?

20 Nov, 2019 , , , ,

Any author will tell you, the writing process is tough. And this is especially true when it comes to writing a book. Even award winning journalists and authors have admitted this. While it’s a manageable feat to write an article or even a long essay, condensing thousands of thoughts and ideas into a full-length book […]

Reasons Why You Need a Writing Coach

7 Nov, 2019 , ,

Even the most renowned writers in the world have a moment or two during the writing process where they become “stuck.” And when this occurs, the most successful writers know that they need a little guidance to move forward. This is where a writing coach comes into play. A writing coach can connect with a […]

Can Your Business Stand Out in Our Digitized World?

9 Oct, 2019 , , ,

Does it seem difficult for your business to stand out in today’s market? Our increasingly digitized world has completely changed the way we garner information. Back in the “old days” – just 20 years ago – we used to look in a phone book or ask our neighbor if we wanted a recommendation for a […]

The Top Reasons Why Authoring a Book Is Your Best Move

25 Sep, 2019 , , , ,

Out of the millions of people around the world who have thought about authoring a book, very few people actually make the leap. There are a number of reasons why would-be authors with a story to share never put their thoughts to paper, and they can range from not having time, to losing motivation, to […]

Reasons to Write A Business Card Book

12 Sep, 2019 , , , ,

Running a successful business depends on obtaining and retaining new clients and customers. Many professionals and business owners spend hours of time and countless expenses on pricey advertisements, marketing, and even cold calls. Even if they reach out to friends and family members for new connections, they are taking time away from their actual business. […]

Why You Should Author a Book to Boost Your Success

13 Aug, 2019 , , ,

Many would-be authors think about writing their own book with a dose of uncertainty. After all, publishing a book is a big milestone and is no small accomplishment. So, it’s understandable that people get nervous about writing, editing, and sharing their story, well before they’ve even written the first page. They ask themselves, “should I […]

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