Discipline and motivation are vital to overcoming procrastination. Ask anyone whom you consider successful how they manage to continuously work on their goals, and never stop until they reach the finish line. I bet they’ll say it takes discipline to stay focused and keep going even when the going is tough or unpleasant. Practice focusing […]
Self-publishing is the act of publishing a book by the author himself without involving any third party publisher to aid in the process or to take over the process. Self-publishing is generally done at the author’s expense. Self-publishing is preferred by those who want to take the control in their own hands instead of relying […]
Have an attitude of gratitude. Make a choice to be grateful and happy. Be grateful for the job you have, even if you are not happy in that job. Be grateful for your co-workers, even though they may drive you crazy. Be grateful for your boss who is hard on you, but also challenges you, […]
Take a close look at yourself and identify any behaviors that could be related to fear, anxiety, concentration or time management. Understand why you have these behaviors and try to eliminate them. Understand your goals and your purpose. What is it you really want to accomplish? How do you want to live, act and feel? […]
Focusing on good things makes us feel good. Has anyone ever paid you a compliment that you didn’t accept? For example, has someone told you your new dress is very becoming and you responded by saying, “Oh, this old thing?”Maybe at work someone complimented you on a job well done and you responded, “It was […]
When it comes to publishing a book, there are lots of decisions that you have to make and options that you have to choose from before you are finally able to share your masterpiece with the world. There’s always the dilemma of whether you should self-publish your books or should you do things the traditional […]
Another great story that I recall regarding belief has a little bit of a twist to it, though. Cynthia Kersey wrote about George Dantzig in the book, Unstoppable. As a college student, George studied very hard. He was a studious person, but he was always staying up late studying. Because of that, he overslept a […]
Why do we procrastinate? Why do we let meaningless situations get in the way of our dreams? Why do we put off starting a new business, losing the weight, or taking that trip? What is really so important in life that we have to put our dreams on the back burner? Here’s the good news; […]
Has anyone ever paid you a compliment that you didn’t accept? Why is it often difficult to accept a compliment? Why can’t we be grateful and just say “thank you”? When we decline a compliment, we think we are being humble, but the message it delivers to our subconscious is altogether different. Rejection of a […]
The next few months are going to be very exciting and I have several opportunities for you that will radically change your professional and personal life. They are quickly approaching so here’s the scoop. You may know that I’m a BIG believer in LIVE events. Live events change lives! It did for me two times, […]
I do believe you can write a book if you carve out just 15 minutes per day. If you focus in on what it is you want to say and more importantly, focus in on what is something you know how to say, something that you’re good at and something you’re passionate about, then it will […]
There are so many things to complain about in life…finances, your job, your kids, etc. And, while there may be legitimate reasons to complain about your situation, complaining will never make it better. Instead, be grateful! Be grateful for your co-workers, even though they may drive you crazy. Be grateful for your boss who is […]
I tend to procrastinate. I can start my day with the best of intentions to get important tasks done, but I soon find myself detouring from the path. I end up filling my hours with busyness and errands. I know the most important things I need to do, and the ones that will bring me ultimate […]
I had a great reminder today. I was talking with a friend, About the direction of her life… It’s not really going the way she planned. But then the coolest thing happened, After some self-reflection, she realized that she has total control of her life and where she wants it to go. She had that […]
You’ve heard many successful authors, speakers, trainers all say that one of the surest ways to be successful is to surround yourself with other successful people. You will begin to pick up their habits and mindsets; it’s impossible not to! My Mother used to put it another way by saying “you are a mirror image […]