Author: Michelle Prince
If one of your friends or co-workers made a mistake, would you berate this person by calling her an idiot or making her feel worse? Of course you wouldn’t. You know she’s only human, and we all make mistakes. You’d likely tell her not to worry about it and console her to make her feel […]
Personal experience can help your readers a lot. As you speak from experience, the truth is hard-hitting and readers can empathize with your situation. If you have been searching for something to improve yourself and you relate the same to your readers, they may try the same and gain in the course. When you are […]
Once you’ve identified what’s holding you back, then it’s time to practice discipline and motivation. Discipline and motivation are so vital to overcoming procrastination. If you think of anyone you consider to be really successful, and if you ask them how they manage to continuously work on their goals and how they never stop until […]
“So, Michelle, I know you’ve told us all the things that procrastinators do, but what can we do about it?” Well, I talk a lot about this in my book, “Busy Being Busy” and I do suggest that you take a closer look at what might be causing it. There may be some real legitimate […]
If we allow our level of self-esteem to depend on circumstances, from one moment to the next it can soar upward or zoom down toward the lowest reading on our self-esteem barometer. Johnny just scored the winning goal in a soccer game, so he may have very high self-esteem after the game. However, Johnny’s self-esteem […]
If you passionate about a particular subject it helps you to be motivated and write the book. More surprisingly, the passion enables you to increase your patience and tenacity. Added benefit is your experience in the matter you choose to write. Passion and experience together makes your book perfect. How? Well, with passion only, you […]
it’s easy to tell whether you’re a real procrastinator, and this comes from a study done by the psychology professors from DePaul University, and I love this. Real procrastinators tell themselves five lies, and I want you to listen to see if you fit into any of these five lies. Number one, real procrastinators overestimate […]
We cannot place a price tag on our worth. This is just a way of demonstrating that whenever we measure ourselves against someone else’s standards, our “flaws” or “scars” immediately become apparent. I’m sure many of you, like me, have “scars” that make us feel that our value is less than it should be. Maybe […]
Do not write a book to make money; instead, write a book to create opportunities that will earn you money. Once you become a writer you may be surprised at the turn of events like public speaking, coaching, workshops and much more. You might have written a book, but these activities following a book launch […]
Recently I saw an interesting news report about a famous model who decided to get her legs insured. Her legs were a highly marketable asset, so it was important to her and her modeling agency to make sure they would be protected against any potential injury or harm. Her right leg was insured for $600,000, but […]
procrastinators we know, they’re not born, they’re made. That’s the good news and the bad news. The good news is it’s a learned response, and what’s learned can be definitely be unlearned. The bad news is that while it’s possible to change, it takes a lot of energy, and you don’t necessarily feel transformed right […]
Writing a book is easy If you think that only gifted people can write a book then you are wrong. It just requires some simple steps to help you become a good author. Passion: Anyone and everyone can write a book as long as they have the passion for what they’re writing about. Uniqueness: If […]
Balance produces harmony, and harmony is peace. Peace is ultimately what brings us joy in life. It’s all connected, but it starts with making the decision to balance out our lives first. How often do we do things that we don’t want to—but feel we have to? How often do you accept party invitations or […]
People may procrastinate because they’re doing things they don’t enjoy. While we all have to do these mundane things like the dishes or go grocery shopping, life is a lot more enjoyable if we have a meaningful career or a meaningful passion. This is why I am so passionate about you finding your passion, because […]
It is a common misconception that book writing is a difficult process. Believe it or not, it is a fairly easy process if you know what you’re doing and you have been doing things in an organized manner right from the start. Another misconception is that the writers just sit down with a blank paper […]