Author: Michelle Prince
Work doesn’t stop or slow down when you’re on the go. For many authors, business owners and entrepreneurs, travel is an inevitable (and exciting!) part of their careers. Through my own business and authorship, I’ve had the privilege and honor of traveling the world to meet and speak with like-minded individuals about goal-setting, productivity and, […]
What makes a great first impression? For me, it’s a feeling of connection. When I meet a new person and strike up a conversation, I’m always left with a greater first impression, when we instantly click. That moment of connection or “click,” is different for everyone. The same goes for your book cover. Inevitably, your […]
Guess what? You have a story and your story MATTERS. I truly believe this — and so should you! Believing in your story and the power it has to change lives is a profound, life-changing revelation. The next step, is getting your book OUT of your head and ON paper — easier said than done, […]
Did you know the recommended daily dosage of sun exposure is 15-30 minutes per day? Sun exposure is a major giver of vitamin D, which the body needs to regulate calcium and promote strong bone growth. Without it, bones, teeth and joints can weaken. However, there is another, unexpected benefit: sunlight contributes to high productivity, […]
Are you ready to finally get your book OUT of your head and ON paper? It’s about time, and lucky for you, the pathway to publishing your book is easier than ever! There’s the traditional route of publishing a hard copy, or you could consider “getting with the times” and opting for an eBook. In […]
Gone are the days where you need a high-end laptop or desktop to write your book. With a smartphone or tablet, you’re able to write, research book topics, make notes, list sources and plenty of other functions for creating your book– all on the go! As an author, it’s in your best interest to use […]
Distractions are everywhere. It’s become quite routine and even expected to wake up, first thing in the morning and reach for your phone, check your email, and maybe even Facebook. However, when we do so, we discount future gains because we’re so focused on the immediate gratification of information, entertainment or (you guessed it!) distraction. […]
So many of my authors share a mutual concern when it comes to writing their book: cost. And, unfortunately, it winds up being a big deterrent for many folks. When I see this happen, it truly makes me sad because I know everyone has a story and each story MATTERS. What a shame it would […]
When it comes to productivity, it’s not about how good you are or how effective your strategies. It’s about the choices you make to achieve your goals and stay on track. We’re all guilty of making choices, which ultimately do not serve our greater purpose, and we’re typically unaware of the consequences we create. Sounds […]
It’s pretty hard, if not impossible to avoid working at a desk. You might even be stuck there ALL DAY! It comes as no surprise, sitting for prolonged period, day after day, week after week, has serious consequences on your health. Even with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, you cannot reverse the side effects […]
Are you falling into one of the biggest productivity slip-ups of your career? Friday rolls around, and your brain goes into automatic weekend mode. Or maybe, you’re simply “getting through the day” and have already resigned to the fact you’re not getting much done. This is a silly mistake, folks! Don’t treat Friday like a […]
If you’re like 50% of the U.S. workforce, you’re able to work from home, at least some of the time. If you’re lucky, you’re among the 20-25% who work from home frequently, and fall into the category of “at-home worker.” Working from home certainly has its perks: More control over your schedule Save time and […]
“Book Bound By The Sea” is about a week away, and it’s going to be a packed house! There is still time to sign up! When you put dozens of like-minded authors together in the same place, it is nothing short of magic! Still on the fence?! Here are the top ten signs you’re ready for “Book […]
Through the honest, innocent eyes of a child, anything is possible. As we get older, it’s sometimes hard to believe we were children once, too! Imagine if you were to embrace life with childlike wonder. What would the possibilities be? This week, I invite you to take these six important lessons to transform: Your writing […]
It’s already a few weeks into the New Year, but I still can’t get over how great 2016 was! Yes, there were challenges– when are there not? Yet, I continuously remind myself why I chase my passions every day in my business and personal life. In large part, it’s thanks to you– my reader! In celebration […]