The “PRINCE”-iples of Success, Pt. 2: 6 Questions

3 May, 2017 Personal Development

Welcome back to our “PRINCE”-iples of Success blog series!

In our last post, we defined the first two “PRINCE”-iples of Success: Passion & Purpose. If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, pause and go back. 

I promised we’d dig deeper into those first two “PRINCE”-iples and get strategic in how we define them. So, without further ado, here are 6 Questions to Discover Your Passion & Purpose.

(Be sure to write down your answers, as we go along!)

1. What activities do you most enjoy?

In other words, what do you love to do? What are you doing when the time just passes by — when you don’t even notice the hands of time ticking?

2. What would you do if you could not fail?

Don’t even imagine the possibility of failure! Take the blinders off and put aside fears of time, money, resources or doubt.

3. What ideas are you most inspired by?

When you’re talking with people, watching the news, spending time with loved ones, reading, etc. — what ideas really light you up? What topics or concepts are you naturally drawn to?

4. When do you feel the most empowered?

Feeling empowered is when you know you’re doing an awesome job — when you are rockin’ it!

Empowerment occurs when you feel alive and fulfilled by what you’re doing.

For example, speaking makes me feel empowered– I feel it in my soul. I love helping people and inspiring them.

If you’re struggling with this one, look at what people compliment you on. What do others see in you that maybe you don’t even see? Even if you don’t believe their compliments, consider if there is a reoccurring theme.

5. What is your bucket list?

Write down all the things you want to accomplish in your life. We only have a certain amount of time on this planet– what do you want to accomplish before this expiration date?

6. What legacy do you want to leave?

Of course, we have monetary and success goals, but we can’t take those with us at the end of life. Your legacy is what you leave behind to others — friends, family, colleagues, peers, church group, etc.

We ALL leave an impact, whether you want to or not. You can choose your legacy while you’re still on this earth, so decide NOW how you want to be remembered.

Whatever you want your legacy to be, you have no better time to do it than now.

Don’t get caught up in the idea you have forever. The reality is we are in complete control of our lives, but we MUST take the reins.

So, how are we doing? Do you feel a bit closer to discovering your Passion and Purpose?

Don’t forget, this is a multi-part series, so you have to tune in each week to really make the most of the “PRINCE”-iples of Success!

My challenge to you is to tune in every week and REALLY commit to this process. As always, feel free to ask questions or give feedback in the comments section below!

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Article Name
The "PRINCE"-iples of Success, Pt. 2: 6 Questions
I promised we’d dig deeper into those first two "PRINCE"-iples and get strategic in how we define them. So, without further ado, here are 6 Questions to Discover Your Passion & Purpose.

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